Complete School Website with Online Admission and Admin Panel


Complete School Website with Online Admission and Admin Panel

This Portal help You in Start Your Own School Website with Online Admission. Students Can Easily Apply for Admission with Online Admission System. You Can Control Your Complete Website with Admin Panel.
You Can Easily Start Your Own School Website with Online Admission. This School Website Script is Fully Dynamic. So You Can Change Everything from Admin Panel.This Script is Fully Advanced Script and Very Easy to use. Also We Added Website SEO Option in Admin Panel, So You Can Improve Your School Website SEO with this Option.

This Script is Fully Secure with Stored Procedure. Every Single Word in this Website is Secured. Admin Panel is Fully very Advanced so You Can Completely Change Every Image and and Paragraph from Admin Panel. Student Submit Admission/Registration form Successfully So Student Received a Receipt as a Admission form Submit Proof by Student Side. Also You View any Submitted form Full Details in Admin Side. Student Track Admission Application with Enrollment Number. Admin Easily Approve/Decline Student Admission from Admin Panel.

Complete School Website with Online Admission and Admin Panel - 1
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  • Fully Secured With Stored Procedure

  • Fully Dynamic

  • All Admission Details

  • Show total and Last Month Admission On Dashboard

  • Admin Password Reset

  • Update School Profile from Admin

  • Student Track Admission form

  • Only One Admin Register (for Security Reasons)

  • Change Website All Details from Admin Panel

  • Admin Approve/Decline Student Submitted Admission

  • Manage SEO from Admin Panel

  • Create Own School Gallery from Admin Panel

  • Change School Profile from Admin Panel

  • Accept Fee Online

  • Enable/Disable Admission Fee from Admin Panel

  • Add Class/Subject/Optional Subject from Admin Panel

  • Add SMTP

  • Captcha on Admin Login

  • Admin Registration Page Automatically Hide When Admin Register on Site

  • Track Admin Login Activity

  • And Many More…

Try Demo

Superadmin Side

username :- Superadmin

Password :- admin@123

Admin Side

username :- admin

Password :- 123

Staff Login Side

Admission Manager :- user1

Password :- 123

Fee Manager :- user2

Password :- 123

Front Page

Version 4.0

(Update 24 September 2020)

Added :- Admission Control
Added :- You Can open/Close Admission
Fixed :- Upload Issue
Fixed :- Image Validator
Fixed :- Image Upload Size
Fixed :- Receipt Page Improve

Version 3.0

(Update 6 September 2020)

Added :- SMTP
Added :- Captcha on Admin Login
Added :- Track Admin Login Activity
Added :- Add Subject/Class from Admin Panel
Added :- Add State/City from Admin Panel
Fixed :- Receipt Page Improve
Improve :- User Can't Visit on Receipt Page Directly
Improve :- Admin Registration Automatically Block When Admin Register First Time
Improve :- Admission form
Improve :- Optimize Admin Panel for Fast Proceed
Improve :- Admin Dashboard

Version 2.0

(Update 24 August 2020)

Added :- Cashfree Payment Gateway
Added :- Fee Payment
Added :- Fee Payment Reports
Added :- Enable/Disable Admission Fee
Added :- Admission Fee Reports
Fixed :- Responsive Table
Improve :- Improve Dashboard Page
Improve :- Website Footer Design
Improve :- Fronted Images Design Improve
Improve :- Payment Receipt Mobile Friendly
Improve :- Professional Payment Receipt Design

Compatible BrowsersFirefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Software Version.NET 4.6
Demo URL
High ResolutionYes
Files IncludedActive Server Page ASPX, C# CS, SQL, JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS
Video Preview Resolution

{getCard} $type={download} $title={Download Complete School Website with Online Admission and Admin Panel} $info={12.4Mb} $button={Download Free}

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