Woocommerce 3D Products v2.6.0.1


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When you start with an awesome 3D Product designer, you can create amazing things!

Built with complete 3D eCommerce functionality in mind, WooCommerce 3D Products is fully SVG Compitable with extensive functionality.

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Wants to know more what plugin can do ?

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Frequently Asked Questions ?

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Online Documentation?

As many users ask for online documentation before purchase. I have uploaded it over server and everyone can see it here:

It might be not completly updated according to new features but all basic to intermidiate details are still there.

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Do you Provide 3D models with plugin ?

No. I have included one demo chair model in documentaion to test the plugin and how it works. Rather than that i dont provide 3D model with plugin. However, you can hire me to build 3D model of your products separatly.

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Does this plugin support obj file ?

No. Obj file do not contain any kind of texure data. It only give object data. So right now we only support FBX, Collada and Json file format. yet we have in plan to add support for more format in future and we might add obj into the list later.

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Will my product 3d model will work with your plugin or not, how we can test ?

You can always test your 3d model here:

Go to file menu-> Upload your exported model and see if that is loading properly there then it will work perfectly in our plugin. After your model load, if you see everything black, dont worry. You need to add light to scene which you can do from insert menu. Also you can check material name of object part here in right side property panel as well. If your 3d Model dont load here, then it wont load with our plugin as well. So you need to export your model again with updated fbx version or you can send us model to further test.

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Looking for Help ?

Look no further! if it’s not something you can find in the User Guide, I will be happy to help.

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-- Sep 18, 2020 - Version 2.6.0 --
- Added: GLTF / GLB file format support
- Added: HDR Environment Support
- Added: Enable / Disable HDR Environment to be use as scene bg or not
- Added: Option in setting to Allow / block orbit control from move to down side
- Added: 'rc_3d_file_types' Filter for File types selection in product screen
- Added: For SVG Material, Default 2 Sided Property added
- Improvement: 3 Point Studio light setup exchanged with Hemisphere light for better performance and quality
- Improvement: Compability with SVG applying to specific material for multiple elements
- Under The Hood: Classes are separated for Template & Ajax
- Under The Hood: Restructured Directories for Better Management of Classes and Library
- Under The Hood: Comments improved in non-minify js file

-- June 17, 2020 - Version 2.5.0 --
- Improvement: Now save image button will save image with product name
- Improvement: Removed default Min / Max Zoom value for old version compability
- Improvement: jQuery active / deactive class for texture / colors selection
- Improvement: PHP Code Optimisation
- Fixed: Few Compability issue with Normal / Variable Product
- Fixed: Object Show/hide had minor issue in template hooks
- Under The Hood ( Completed ): jQuery is loading async now for better performance and speed delivery of content.
- Under The Hood ( Completed ): jQuery is updated to ES6 Standards. Also Event triggers added for more data customisation based on events.
- Under The Hood ( Completed ): jQuery is Converted in PUB / SUB now for better data transfer of more customization. Documentation will soon update for same.

-- April 28, 2020 - Version 2.4 --
- Fixed: FBX Uploading issue Solved
- Fixed: Template Overried issue Solved. Will work with any theme now.
- Improvement: Font Library moved to new tab in WC 3d Options
- Added: Design Option added for Accordion Heading Bg and Text Color
- Added: Sample Tshirt & Svg Added into Documentation Folder / Assets / FBX-SVG
- Removed: jQuery UI CSS removed. Now Accordion Design is Flat & Simple
- Under The Hood( Completed ): Right Side Accordion, each configuration type template loading through hooks now. So Accordion Template can completely Overried by Function for different design purpose. Documentation will soon update for same.

-- April 22, 2020 - Version 2.3.2 --
- Bug Fix: Fixed Compability issue with SVG applying to specific material and normal material

-- April 19, 2020 - Version 2.3.1 --
- Tested upto WC 4.0.1 & WP 5.1
- Added: SVG can now apply to specific material only if wanted
- Added: Global Shadow On / Off Option Added
- Added: Min / Max Zoom features added at product level
- Improvement: Frontend Left panel Mat Image updated to load thumbnail rather then full Image
- Improvement: Backend Configuration Option Fields UI updated
- Under The Hood( In Development ): Converting Current Js into Modular Js with PUB/SUB for future extension development

-- Sep 20, 2019 - Version 2.3 --
- Added: 3D Object Show / Hide Configuration Type
- Added: Config Type: Material / Color can work with WildCard Configuration Id with * Ex. Color_1* will get all ids from svg which have Color_1 prefix and apply color to it
- Added: Config Type: Material / Color, Can define default value initially
- Fixed: Ajax was not fetching data when price is not defined for product

-- Sep 06, 2019 - Version 2.2 --
- Added: Pattern Options for SVG material
- Added: Updated Custom SVG added to order details for admin only
- Added: Backend Option added to use one / two side gradient change
- Added: Global Option to turn on / off pricing features in WC 3D Option from setting
- Fixed: Frontend Option Error for non 3d products
- Improvement: Gradient Options remove 2 color selection. Only one color selection and the group of color repeat 2 times for both side color selection based on option enabled
- Improvement: Backend Order Product Normal Image loading for non-3d Products
- Improvement: Js improvement for all event dispatch and event queue
- Improvement: Doc has updated

-- Aug 23, 2019 - Version 2.1.2 --
- Added: Updated Product Image added to Cart and Order Product Image
- Dev Added: Filter for frontend Text color option ( only for config type Text ): wc_3d_text_color_options
- Dev Added: Filter for frontend Gradient color option ( only for config type gradient ): wc_3d_gradient_options
- Fixed: Gradient Missing second value
- Improvement: Removed extra fields from Configuration type Text, Gradient.
- Improvement: wc_clean added before passing data to cart for security

-- Aug 16, 2019 - Version 2.1.1 --
- Dev Added: Filter for material group backend fields: wc_3d_config_id_after
- Dev Added: Filter for frontend material option ( only for config type Material ): wc_3d_materials_options
- Dev Added: Enabling Debug will load unminified js script for developers to find exact line in case of issue
- Fixed: Empty font data PHP error
- Fixed: Queryselector Js error
- Improvement: Show Texture image for material Texure
- Improvement: Config type Gradient: Backend and Frontend Features to select individual color rather then gradient group

-- Aug 1, 2019 - Version 2.1 --
- Official Release with SVG support and Separate Price for each material support
- Added: 3D option also work with WooCommerce Product Shortcode - Only 1 product on page
- Added: Material Panel is changed to configuration Panel for more options
- Added: Text Field Options for SVG material
- Added: Font color, Size and Family options for front end
- Added: Image Field Options for SVG material
- Added: User Upload Image for SVG Image Field
- Added: Gradient Options for SVG material
- Improvement: Front-End UI Improvement
- Improvement: Js improvement for loading data
- Improvement: Cart Product Details improvement. Only display selected options and only additional Price
- Improvement: Doc has updated

-- April 26, 2019 - Version 2.0.2 --
- Added: SVG support for unwrapped material ( Beta Feature )
- Added: Use of multiple Material Name in single material group with comma
- Added: Additional Light Shadow Casting option
- Added: Save button for canvas in player
- Improvement: UI improvement for Material Option Selection
- Improvement: Doc has updated

-- Feb 12, 2019 - Version 2.0.1 --
- Added: Separate Pricing for each Material Option ( Beta Feature )
- Improvement: Loading Minified Script for security purpose
- Improvement: Doc has updated

-- Jan 13, 2019 - Version 1.2 --
- Added: Play / Pause button for auto rotate
- Improvement: UI improvement for 3D Player
- Improvement: Add to Cart button Replaced with Select Option Button for Products on Shop Page which have 3D options Activated

-- Dec 11, 2018 - Version 1.1 --
- Improvement: Texure Loader Used instead of image utility
- Improvement: Texture wrapping added with repeat
- Added: Full Screen Mode Added

-- Oct 3, 2018 - Version 1 --
- Initial Release
- FBX, json and collada file format supported
- In-built 3 point studio light setup
- Live material color and texure changing on website.

Compatible BrowsersIE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Software VersionWordPress 6.0.x, WordPress 5.9.x, WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x
Compatible WithWooCommerce 6.x.x, WooCommerce 5.x.x
Demo URL
Gutenberg OptimizedYes
High Resolution
Files IncludedJavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP
Video Preview Resolution

{getCard} $type={download} $title={Download Woocommerce 3D Products} $info={51.4Mb} $button={Download Free}

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